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Features / May 28, 2014

Putting Colgate Sensitive Pro-Relief to the test

by Guy Hiscott

More than 51,000 participants have already completed the Instant Relief Challenge using Colgate Sensitive Pro-Relief toothpaste.

Members of the dental team who suffer from dentine hypersensitivity had the opportunity to take part in the Instant Relief Challenge which kicked off with sufferers drinking a glass of cold water laden with ice cubes. Those who experienced the pain of sensitive teeth were invited to apply Colgate Sensitive Pro-Relief toothpaste directly to their sensitive teeth for one minute. After this time they took another drink of ice cold water to compare the experience prior to using the toothpaste.

Participants shared their experience with positive comments, including one dental hygienist from Watford in the UK, who routinely experienced dentine hypersensitivity and said: ‘The sharpness and intensity has gone, it doesn’t hurt at all. I would give it five stars!’

Of the participants who have taken the challenge to date, 83% stated Colgate Sensitive Pro-Relief toothpaste was effective in providing instant sensitivity relief and 81% agreed Colgate Sensitive Pro-Relief toothpaste was effective in providing lasting protection. Also, 76% believed Colgate Sensitive Pro-Relief toothpaste was more effective at relieving sensitivity than any other toothpaste.
Colgate claims its Sensitive Pro-Relief toothpaste is the only sensitivity toothpaste that delivers instant and long lasting sensitivity relief whilst containing the recommended level of fluoride (1450ppm) for protection against cavities (as laid out in Delivering Better Oral Health – An evidence-based toolkit for prevention). Colgate defines instant as ‘when applied to each sensitive tooth for 60 seconds

Why not ask your patients with dentine hypersensitivity to take the challenge by visiting

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