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GDPR: appropriate security

In the fourth and final article on the GDPR and dentistry, Kevin Cahill offers five practice computing tips to help avoid breaches of data Quite on purpose, the GDPR is not prescriptive about the IT measures an organisation must take in order to be compliant. It would be unreasonable to expect smaller organisations and global … Continued

Protecting patient data

In the third of a series of four articles on the GDPR and dentistry, Kevin Cahill takes a look at the data controller and processor in practice, and what this means for associates The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) holds an enterprise responsible for meeting its data protection obligations and protecting personal data. In GDPR … Continued

Data protection in dentistry

In this first of a series of four articles, Kevin Cahill explains how dental professionals can establish a pragmatic balance in relation to General Data Protection Regulation The long-awaited General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came in on 25 May last year like a lion, and we all expected the data protection police to kick down … Continued